Paper cuts anywhere are painful, but are even worse on the EYE BALL. I am a hazard to myself with paper. I was running out the door and some how jabbed the paper I was holding into my eye.
Corneal abrasion.... very painful. So for the next day and a half, I couldn't see, my nose was running, and my eye turned red and swollen. Luckily, my sister's boyfriend's dad is an ophthalmologist. I gave him an urgent call and he said for me to put a patch over my eye. Every time I blinked I was scrapping off the cells that were healing over the abrasion. Don't I look like a sexy pirate!

Everyone thought I was an idiot for calling into work over a paper cut. Thanks to a trip to the eye doctor and 60 bucks worth of eye drops. I am as good as new!
Che You are such a hero getting a eye-papercut. I am so impressed -- that and the fact that you lived to tell the tale and I am glad that you had a nice husband to spoil you in your brave recovery!
Oh geez, I feel for you Cheyn! I got a paper-cut in my eye when I was in middle school--some stupid guy threw a polaroid picture to me (you don't remember that do you?). Too bad my Mom had no pity and sent me to school with an eye patch! Brutal and humiliating when you're fourteen.
OUCH!! That sounds horrible. I once had a cigarette put out in my eyeball (freak accident, not the victim of abuse) and it was ridiculously painful. I can't imagine an actual paper cut!! Good thing eyes heal quickly, eh??
Now you can answer all those "Would You Rather" questions about paper-cuts to the eye!
You'd make a fine pirate, Cheyn, but I'm glad you recovered.
i've got a papercut in my eye now and it is killing me...can you tell me what kind of eyedrops you used, and how long it took for it to heal? this happened yesterday and it does not feel any better.
I used anti-inflammatory drops prescribed by an opthamologist. It was called Xibrom/bromfenac .09%. The drops really helped.
hi, i got a paper cut to my eye (my 17 month old swiped a piece of card and it cut my eye) that was dec 2006, i still get pain in my eye and more so at night, i might not get it for a month and then it kills me at night, its like being back to square one again when my eye was first injured, any advice.
I dont know how to reach you so maybe you will check the comments again. The optometrist said that the part that heals over the cut can get scraped off easily. That has happened to me a few times. Just get anti-inflamatory eye drops from the eye doc and that will help with the pain and it will heal again.
hope that helps.
like karla, i got a paper cut in my eye 3 months ago, and some days in the morning still hurts. The worst thing of all is that i lose visibility for all day.
I got a paper cut last year and every morning it still bothers me what do i do. anyone know? I have no money for a doctor.
Just found your blog when I was googling "paper cut in eye" (bc my 18 month old swiped me with some paper!) adn wanted to share. . . two months ago, my brother got a paper cut in his eye, it got infected and he had to go through cornea transplant surgery!!! Crazy!!!
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