Ryan put limestone bricks aournd our bushes. He did such a great job.
She has to keep her head in a certain position as it heals.

Ward campout
Ryan and the kids didn't stay the night.
I was at work.
Piano recital
Easter Sunday
Dad flew out for a doctor's appointment.
The day before, I realized that he had an appointment with the wrong doctor.
By chance they moved his appointment from 2 p.m. to 8 a.m. and that made all the difference.
We went up to the correct doctor and asked for an appointment. The doctor miraculously had an operation cancel and was able to fit us in. They were also able to fit him in for a CT scan.
It was amazing to see miracles happen for my dad. God sure loves him.
Nutmeg got a haircut.
It took everyone holding her down while I shaved her.
Deacon temple trip
Our trip to NYC and New Jersey
We got cheap tickets and a deal for a hotel in Midtown for 3 nights.
Unfortunately, our flight times changed and we had to leave from Austin at 5:30 a.m.
So, that meant a 2:30 a.m. wake up and 1 hour 15 min drive and check in.
Empire state building on the walk to our hotel
We weren't able to check in so we dropped of our bags and headed to wear Ryan lived, Grant's tomb, and Columbia.
GRANT's Tomb
Tom's Restaurant
Sam was humming Tom's Diner and he knows about Seinfeld.
We made our way back to the hotel to nap.
I made my way to watch The Thanksgiving Play with Janet from The Good Place, D'arcy Carden,
Toby from This is Us, Chris Sullivan, Scott Foley from Felicity, and Katie Finneran. I was wanting a funny play that made me think and it hit the mark.
Ryan took the kids for a sunset walk on the Brooklyn Bridge and New York pizza.

Day 2
The next morning we boogied over to the Staten Island Ferry
We then walked along Wall Street, Washington's first inauguration location, and 9/11 memorial.
New metro and mall
We left the kids with their babysitter and went to a timeshare pitch.
Ryan was so worried and upset about having to do this but it went so much
better than expected. We were out of there about 40 minutes early.
Brady met me at the TKTS line when I got us tickets to a show.
I got to see the building where he works! I am so proud of him as he works in the center of NYC!
He does so many important and exciting things.
We took the kids to the Nintendo store, FAO Schwarz, American Girl Store, Lego store, and NBC store.
Brady met us again when he was done with work.
We got sandwiches from Potbelly's and ate at right at Rockefeller Center.
Brady had to head home but walked us to our play.
The Play that Goes Wrong
I thought it was going to be all slap stick but it got
more and more ridiculous and hilarious.
It was the perfect family play.
Day 3
We went to the MET- so much is there; we loved it!
The kids got a kick out of Big Gay ice cream shop
Tessa had to have some.
We stopped by the National History Museum for a photo op.
We were tired of walking and I needed to go to the bathroom.
It was crazy to be in a place where Ryan went to church when he was single.
We hung out there for an hour to rejuvenate.
We grabbed some delicious $1 pizza and headed to the
Cursed Child. I ended up getting tickets sitting apart but they moved us so we could sit together and they were great seats. It was fun to see Harry Potter world on stage and all of the special effects. I felt like it was rushed as they abridged it and they spoke too quickly but it was still really fun and the kids loved it too.
Ryan left us to go eat dinner with his classmate from Columbia, Kelly.
Day 4
We took the train into New Brunswick and Brady picked us up.
They had a lot of things planned but they were all cancelled because it was pouring rain.
It worked out great because we got a lot of time to visit and work on house projects like
pealing wallpaper in their bedroom and putting wallpaper and splash board in the kitchen.
The kids were darling and Gus and the boys played a lot of Minecraft and Tessa loved playing with the girls.
Below: watching a movie
They all fell asleep in the same bed.
We went to dinner at the same diner we went to 9 years ago and Mass at the same church where Brady and Elizabeth got married. It was so cool to re-visit these places. They live ten minutes from Elizabeth's family. Tessa lead the girls in coloring their faces on the way home from church.
We played charades before putting the kids to sleep.
Super cute! At the end, Elizabeth told her girls, "It is time to get on our pajamas and go to bed." and Bridget yelled, "NOT TODAY!" It was hilarious.
Train station at New Brunswick. It felt like we were in a different country, very European with the train tracks with an brick old train station and cathedral across the way. I really love it here.