More goodbyes
Top left: Rosmarie H
Top Right: the Powells
Bottom left: Tiffany
Bottom right: Heike at the Landstuhl library
The first night, we moved into a hotel room next to Tiffany's restaurant as it would be easier to get kids from school. Then we took most of our luggage to the Harshbargers. And then we went to a cute upstairs apartment in Rodenbach. We have had a rental car for the last month because our little toyota corolla died. It couldn't last just a few more days. So we have been in a little rental car but all of us and our luggage dont fit at the same time. We have to plan out every step we make and it gets pretty complicated. We are lucky to have great friends that are willing to help.
We left the kids with a babysitter and went with the Harshbargers to two Christmas markets, Metz and Nancy. I got my last authentic mille feuille, in honor of dad. We stopped at a fun thrift store in Nancy that had amazing treasures. We ate loaded bake potatoes and got Christmas mugs.
Saying goodbye to Isaiah and Melissa, Zoe and Eve.
Goodbye to Mila
While I ran around saying goodbye to Melissa and Mila with Tessa, Ryan took the boys to the Nanstein castle for one last visit. We have such fond memories of visiting this castle for the first time. We were in the hotel on Landstuhl base and wanted to walk and venture down into the city. We heard about there being a castle and we hiked up the hill until we found it. There was a medievil festival at the castle. It was like the world revolved around us. This castle has been a wonderful constant for these last 4 1/2 years.
The goodbye to the Harshbargers was the hardest.
It was an ugly cry. We have been so lucky to live near them and have them as our chosen family.
There was no way to get our luggage to the airport and us at the same time. We went over our allotted kilometers with the rental car and we just mentioned it to Kate Powell. Her husband was flying into Frankfurt and she was going to have to pack up her 4 kids and go pick him up. She offered for us to use their 2nd car so we could pack up all of our luggage and get it to Frankfurt and not have to pay out the nose for the rental car. Also, it worked because Ryan could go pick up Myles at the same time.
The kids and I went to church and I balled my eyes out. Ryan picked us up. I didn't want to go. By the time we got to the center of Landstuhl (where we used to play in the splash pad), we waited in line for a Covid test. We were literally the next in line and they closed! They turned everyone away.
We returned the car, at the rental place near Ramstein, and got on the train to Frankfurt airport. We were able to get our Covid tests!
Ryan had stashed our luggage at the hotel in the airport. We got into our room and Ryan and I left them to go to one more Christmas market for some hot chocolate and a mug. It was really nice! It was the perfect last night (besides me getting mad at Ryan for no good reason).
It was a little crazy getting 27 (cant remember the exact number) pieces of luggage from the hotel on a few trams and onto buggies and off of buggies and finding new buggies. We finally made it to check in only to find out that they anyone traveling with the military do not need to have a COVID test. (Why didn't they let us know earlier? And how is that keep people safe on the plane?)
Recreating the photo that the kids took at the SLC airport on the way to Germany
And just like that we were back in the US of A.
We flew into Tallahassee. Dad picked us up in the Sequoia and everything and everyone fit.
We were able to enjoy all the magic of the Christmas season in warm Georgia.
Branch Christmas pagent
Bearcats basketball
Christmas parade
Crazy southern people
Ryan enjoyed walking to the nearby cemetary
Warm enough for kayaking and a little jump in the water.
Girls night to watch the Nutcracker.
This used to be a something mom would do every year with Aunt Becky.
A visit to Tifton. We got to meet Bay's cow.
We went to ancient Native American mounds.
Buc-ees in Macon |
Sights in Bville
A visit with the Belisles

We went to visit the Giddens at Jamie's house. They were all getting together for the holidays. We missed John and fam but got to see everyone else. Jamie made room for all of us to stay the night. We stayed up so late playing games and talking about the good ol' days. The next day we went to Stone Mountain. Some hiked to the top while the others played at the playground. Jamie was 8 months pregnant with a baby boy. Helping Pop Pop. Dad had chores all ready for the kids.
More fun in Bville
Getting ready for Tessa's baptism
We went kayaking again behind Jenny's old house (now the Orton's). We let the boys do it all by themselves. Sam got cocky and stood up while paddling. The kayak got shaky and Sam went plunged into the water. Baptism day with the Dot, Kathy, the Belisles, Valters and Brother, Bran, Claire and girls, and the Harpers came in from Tifton. We had the whole thing on Zoom for family that live far away.
Luke and Sam were the witnesses
The kids sang "I will Walk with Jesus"
Then we had an upside down backwards birthday party.
So fun that Jenny came to my 8th backwards party and now her family is coming to my child's.
Then we rang in the new year together. We had a huge bonfire and played telephone pictionary.