Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 2023

Pictures sent with valentines

Part of Luke's birthday present was a trip to Dayton, Ohio to visit 
Jack Orton.  

We went to the National Museum of US Air Force

The boys picked back up like no time passed.  
The Ortons are such great friends.

The kids' valentines

Liza Jay was born on February 15th

Oscar had a doctor's appointment in Mexico and brought us back tacos.

There was a big conference here in San Antonio. 
People came from all over, even our friend, Rose, from Germany.
Ryan was a speaker.

More Nutmeg cuddles

Luke and friends did UIL for Orchestra and made perfect scores

Another bath: She hates it.

Young Men's birthday dinner for Isaac

Grandma, Wendy and Adeline came for a visit

Ryan noticed that Nutmeg is camouflaged with our floor


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