Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chistmas 2011

It is pretty late but worth documenting. Christmas was so great. Santa made it just like we when we were kids. Santa also knit stockings for all of the new additions to our family.

It is our tradition to line up from youngest to oldest before we see what Santa brought. Finally McKay has people in front of her… and Craig makes sure those behind him cant be seen.
Now you can see us.
Claire made Sam an alphabet book about each person in the family. It probably took her 400 hours. She is so thoughtful and talented. When I saw the page for "F" (Forever Family), I burst into tears.


The Reillys said...

sis in laws can be so thoughtful! I have great ones too who do the nicest things for Ayden.

Wendy said...

I love those stockings! aND what a fun tradition to line up in order. Looks like both Webb girls robbed the cradle, huh!?!?