Thursday, April 30, 2015


I finally gave in and got Lukey a big boy haircut.  No more little boy bowl cut.  

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The boys love going to church.

Sam's primary teacher arranged for a playdate at our house.  Talk about going above and beyond.  It is so great to have our children adored at church.  They really absorb all of the lessons they are taught.  After the playdate, I said, "Sis. Ferris is the coolest."  Sam corrected me and said, "No, Sis. Ferris is the FUNNEST."

Here is some their artwork from church:

Luke owns nursery as he is the oldest by far. He would be in Primary if he was just 13 days older.
Good thing he loves it.  They are the sweetest nursery leaders.
It will be nice to have him in there with Tessa soon.  

We use what they learned at church for our FHE lessons.  

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Running, Granville Island Magician, and Science World

I woke up early and went for a run through Stanley Park.
It drizzled as I passed the parked yachts and as several other runners passed me.

Lunch at Granville Island.  You can see the Magician pulling coins out of their ears.
They all wanted to do magic after this street show. 

We had to show Amaya and JuJu the Science World Museum.  After Lisa scraped off the mayonnaise on Julian's hamburger, he broke out in a rash on his hands and lips.  He is allergic to eggs and only had a couple of bites.  Even the residue got him.  Trying not to panic, I  ran to a drug store to get him Benadryl so we could avoid using an Epi pen.  It worked and we avoided the Emergency Department. 

Lisa is pregnant and can still fit in this little box.
The kids loved the wheelchair race most of all.  

This was on the bathroom stall, like a public educational announcement.
I thought it was hilarious how open the Canadians are about "toots". 

Capilano Suspension Bridge Park

We woke up early to make it to church but arrived to an empty parking lot.  It took us a minute to figure out that it must be Stake Conference.  Blessings!  We changed out of church clothes in the car and were off to Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, the highlight of the trip!  We discovered that our children are NOT afraid of heights as they raced across the shaky bridges suspended up in the trees and over a gorge.   So many different shades of green and a light sprinkle of rain helped us know we were in a rain forest.

Vancouver with the Reinbolds

We had so much fun in Vancouver, BC in January that we couldn't wait to get back and who better to do it with then the Reinbolds.  The kids out numbered the adults 5 to 4 but Lisa and Jeff gave us just enough confidence to go to a couple of "nice" restaurants.  We started our trip by going to lunch at a very popular Dim Sum (authentic Chinese) restaurant.   The menu is only in Chinese.  Luckily, Lisa knew what to order.  It was pretty crazy because each place setting had a tea cup, tea platter, plate, soup bowl and spoon (all ceramic) and then a glass of water.  All 5 kids immediately started clanging them all together.  By the end, we were begging the kids to just stay under the table.  It was delicious and fun to try new foods.  

After lunch, we hung out at Stanley Park.  The kids loved climbing the big trees and pretending they were making a store.  Amaya is so imaginative as she loves making "poisonous".  Our boys love following her lead.  They could have stayed in the woods much longer but we coaxed them out to see the sights.  

We stayed Downtown in the same hotel we stayed in with my parents; thanks Priceline.  We had 2 rooms but the kids couldn't get enough of each other.  We had fun swimming in the pool and eating Greek salads.  

Monday, April 27, 2015

HOPPY Easter

The Easter Bunny hid our eggs on the Secret Trail.  
It was a chilly morning but a lot of fun. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ryan's Birthday Bowling Bash

Ryan is low key about his birthday which always makes me feel badly because I make such a big deal about mine just 19 days earlier.

So, for his big day we met him at work and went bowling over his lunch break.  Then that night we did conveyer belt Sushi and frozen yogurt.  (He is not a fan of cakes and frosting.)  He...or really the kids opened his presents.   Ryan is such a great husband and father to celebrate!

#1. Daddy at 98 #2. Lukey at 94 #3. Sammy at 85 and #4. Mom - dead LAST at 65

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Bret, Jessica, Janaya and Jillian

I love living near family.  Bret is and always has been one of my very favorite cousins.  He even flew me out to Seattle when I was a freshman in college to visit.  Now, too many years later, we get to live near each other and meet up as often as possible.  Last month, we went skiing (Bret, Jillian and me).

Friday, April 24, 2015

Jaime and Angus in Portland

Jaime and Angus and I go WAY back... like all the way to Kindergarten.  I used to chase Jaime and Angus around the playground at Elkan King.  Appearantly, I had coodies.  We were friends all the way through High School and College.  
  And then one summer when I was home from college, I managed to wreck Angus's car.   I was waiting in the passenger seat while he ran in the house for something.  He had rigged his car to start with a button, like hot-wiring; the first of its kind.  Thinking it would be fun and helpful to start the car for him, I pushed the button.  Unfortunately it was in FIRST gear and parked in his parent's front yard.  It immediately lunged forward and into his porch.   He stepped out of the front door and saw me in the car AND porch.  Only a truly talented person could manage to wreck a car while in the passenger seat. 

They have both moved to Portland.  I last saw Jaime at our wedding open house in Bainbridge in 2007.  I can't remember when I last saw Angus but I play scrabble with his mom daily and saw his sister when we were home for Christmas.  I love how being from a small town allows for friendship to last so long and have so many family connections.   Jaime and Angela (also from Bainbridge) will be moving away soon.  So in trying to make the most of our time,  I met them for dinner a couple weeks later.  They are true hipsters living it up in Portland.   They haven't lost their southern accents, sense of humor, or charm.   It sure is something to have a slice of home on the opposite side of the country.  

Thursday, April 23, 2015

BYU Basketball

Ryan counted down the days until this basketball game as he bought tickets the minute they went on sale.  We were excited to introduce Tucker and Carson to BYU sports.  We had 2nd row seats!  GREAT GAME.... we WON!  

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Baby Bo Blessing

Tessa and I got to fly to Vegas over Valentine's weekend for Bowman's baby blessing.   
 I couldn't get enough cuddles from this little love bean. While I was there, I got to tour Kazie's new house just before they moved in. She is the first of us to buy a house and the youngest!  
New babe, new house and new grad school for Craig.  
It is wonderful to see blessings flowing their way.  

Kazie bought this outfit for Luke. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015