Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Running, Granville Island Magician, and Science World

I woke up early and went for a run through Stanley Park.
It drizzled as I passed the parked yachts and as several other runners passed me.

Lunch at Granville Island.  You can see the Magician pulling coins out of their ears.
They all wanted to do magic after this street show. 

We had to show Amaya and JuJu the Science World Museum.  After Lisa scraped off the mayonnaise on Julian's hamburger, he broke out in a rash on his hands and lips.  He is allergic to eggs and only had a couple of bites.  Even the residue got him.  Trying not to panic, I  ran to a drug store to get him Benadryl so we could avoid using an Epi pen.  It worked and we avoided the Emergency Department. 

Lisa is pregnant and can still fit in this little box.
The kids loved the wheelchair race most of all.  

This was on the bathroom stall, like a public educational announcement.
I thought it was hilarious how open the Canadians are about "toots". 

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