Tuesday, January 20, 2009

SNOW day

We got about 5 inches of snow today. This may not be very spectacular to those that live in Utah, but Raleigh rarely gets snow much less has it stick. Unfortunately, Southern people don't know how to drive in the snow and I saw 6 vehicles in ditches on a 3 mile span on my way to work this morning. Most places were canceled but not our jobs. I guess psych patients and broken bones don't get snow days. Tomorrow will be the scarier trying to get to work...black ice. Still, it is pretty to see everything covered in white.


Emily said...

It was 86 degrees today here. That's reason #786 you should come back to LA.

brandy said...

I am so jealous!!! I thought we were going to get some,but all we got was 10 degree temps. Enjoy it, it looks so beautiful! Hope all is well with you!

Luis and Christy said...

Great pics, I'm just sorry the snow ruined our plans.

Wendy said...

How beautiful! I'm sorry they didn't shut down your offices. It seems like the entire city shuts down here in Atlanta when we get a rare snowfall.

Unknown said...

Be Careful!

Anonymous said...

Very cool! We've had plenty of cold here, but no snow yet. The kids are hoping for it.

Dorothy said...

beautiful pics -- I love looking at the snow, but we never get it here. Guess that's why we go to Utah and Seattle.

Renee said...

Looks like it did in Portland a few weeks ago. We were snowed in for days and my work also expected me to be there. I used to think people in other states didn't know how to drive in the snow (which they don't) but now I realize that there are more problems because they don't plow the streets. Snow ain't bad...it's the ice that kills.