Monday, March 2, 2009

My First SPAM encounter

by cheyney

Before I moved to Los Angeles, I assumed I had eaten all there was out there. I was shocked at how many different foods I had not tried. Eventhough I had traveled, I had spent most of my life in Bumbleville, Georgia or White Mormonland, Utah. I was quickly introduced to Dim Sum, Pho, shabu shabu, Middle Eastern, Thai, and vegan food. The only thing I really don't like to eat are tomatoes and types of vegan food (the ones that look and smell like dog food).

Ryan has a broad pallet too but doesn't eat beef or pork. When we go to people's homes that serve this meat, I feel like I need to over compensate and eat his share to not make them feel bad. For example, while in Fiji we ate with a family and they asked if I wanted any pork. I said sure and got a hunk of fat, skin and hair (no real meat) on my plate. That made me completely understand Ryan's adverse reaction to the meat after he had to eat that for 2 years on his mission.

This last weekend we visited some foreign friends who served us treats and one of their favorites.... a spam sandwich. Ryan gave his normal excuse but I did not want to be rude so I tried it. I felt like I was in a Monty Python skit. Spam spam spamity spam. All I have to say is it tastes exactly how it smells and smells exactly how it looks. Just look at it and you will never have to try it. Now I know the next time I will say, "Can I have the spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam without the spam?"


Haqon said...

I've tried to make spam taste good and couldn't do it. That is something too, because I can make watered flour taste good.

The crazy thing is that spam isn't really cheaper than other meat.

Renee said...

I DON'T LIKE SPAM!!! Hilarious. The first time I ever ate spam was on a back packing trip when we let the boys be in charge of food. We had spam, rice, and peas. Seriously? That's what they expected us to subsist on?? The first bite wasn't too bad, but after that the spamminess of it set in. Ick. Never again (or so I thought until I lived with 5 polynesian girls).

Renee E. Spam