Monday, July 6, 2009

BYU and Ligers

At the end of June we went to Utah for a family reunion in the mountains. We had a chance to stop by BYU on the way to Aspen Grove near the Sundance resort. Both Cheyney and I went to BYU for part of out undergrad time. It was fun to walk around campus and see the new buildings and reminisce. We got to take two of our nephews with us too, Caleb and Tucker.
Here is a picture with the statue of the founder. During Football Rivalry week this statue is wrapped in layers of saran wrap to protect it from U of U vandals.

The director of Napolean Dynamite went to BYU and I think the Liger references in the movie are related to this gal. BYU has a taxidermy/life science museum (Most everything there is actually dead though) and Shasta guards the door. Here is her history:

Expect more Utah trip posts to come...


Monica Rich said...

Hurray for ligers! I was just talking about this very one...

ridgeandjenny said...

Ligers are awesome! Did they have any chickens with large talons?

Priscilla said...

I remember seeing Shasta alive. Guess I'm old.