Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Horseback Riding

My dad is quite the cowboy.  He grew up riding, training, and having horses.  For one of our activities, we all went horseback riding.  I love horses and was really excited to get Sam on one.  I had him ride with me and for some reason, the horse started running.  I was holding onto Sam with one arm and trying to pull the reins tight with the other.  I needed a third hand to hold onto the saddle.  The horse came to an abrupt stop and sharp turn and Sam and I FELL OFF!!!  It was a long and scary way down! I went into "mommy mode" and tucked Sam into me to break his fall.  I bruised my backside and hit my head but immediately thought, "Get back on the horse."  I wanted Sam to learn that even if we have a fall, we have to try again.  Sam got back on the horse too.  Even with the fall, we all had a great time.  Claire and Dad are naturals.  It is funny because we have all (minus Bran) married city slickers.  

back on the horse

1 comment:

mmm... said...

So awesome! What a fun time! So cool Sam got to ride with you!