Thursday, February 14, 2008

Life With a Nurse Practitioner

Somewhere around four this morning I woke up to Cheyney poking me in the chest with her index finger. The poking was in a square pattern. About the third poke it kind of started to hurt a little and so I asked her "Why are you poking me?" She responded "Does that hurt?" I tell her "yes." She then asks me in a dispassionate way "And why is that?"
I respond: "Because your poking me!" At that point she verbalized a sentence of gibberish, rolled over to her side of the bed, and resumed/continued sleeping.

When we were getting ready for work this morning I asked her is she does exams like that at the spinal clinic. She said yes but on the back instead of the front.

One of the many reasons why I think I have the cutest wife. Happy Valentines Day!


Jared and Laurel said...

That's awesome! I love it. Happy V-Day, guys!

Renee said...'re officially the cutest couple on the planet.

Luis and Christy said...

I love how you describe her as dispassionate... Cheyney... Cheyney of the former Webb fame? I think that you need to look into whether or not Che has a twin sister who is dispassionate b/c the Cheyney I know is never anything less than passionate. I bet that was her evil twin sister Leyney. I'm just saying!