Saturday, September 5, 2009

Family in Alaska

Unfortunately, this is not our adventure. But I was pretty impressed with all of the fun my family has been having without us. My brothers and sis-in-law (Bran, Claire and Brady) are living in Alaska for the summer and recently my parents went to visit.  Mom said they were out everyday hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing, cruising, touring and zip-lining. I am so jealous.


Luis and Christy said...

Beautiful place -- looks like a place where one could find some privacy.

Trace Gibson said...

Oh man these are great cute are your Mom and Dad? Well, I guess I have a lot to learn about how fun Alaska can be; Adam is in LOVE with the idea of PCSing there, or at least vacationing there, and I always tell him I'm not interested in being depressed in an area where it's dark all day for part of the year. Perhaps we should take a little trip. Give your parents my love--I was just discussing with Laurel the other day how much your Mom impacted my childhood and young-adulthood...what a great example she always was. Your parents and whole family is just stellar.

Smart said...

I want to go to there.